Jul 2, 2010

Favorite Friday Blog Finds

It was a very productive week for me. (Unusual here) This Quilts for kids is ready for the quilter. The back of the quilt has electric guitars and the words dream on it.

Artsy-Crafty Babe has update an old purse pattern. Her new one is super! The directions are great and the pattern prints out at 100% size.

Make up Roll! What a great idea! Lots of other great tutorials to be found at this site. She has one on making a tote and another on a little zippy bag.

This little duckie embroidery would look so cute on something for a baby...bib, blanket...

This little headband is super cute and easy! I have some great leftover ribbon from key chains that I made awhile back....

How About Orange posted a link to a neat meal planner idea.

Bee in My Bonnet did a great little tutorial on how to make a vintage chair pincushion.

1 comment:

Sandra Henderson said...

Your quilt turned out so pretty! and I love your little baskets you are making! Great idea!, and what an early bird you are!!! XO